Thursday 31 October 2013

Creative writing

Every Friday our class does creative writing, today we had to write about 'the day my brother tried to cook me.'

I'm going to tell you a story about my brother trying to cook and eat me.

It all started one day when my mother and father were out and our nanny was supposed to be looking after us but she had fallen asleep, my big brother James had decided that he wanted to cook the family's meal, so while I was sleeping he picked me up and put me in a large frying full of warm water, he pulled some spices out of the cupboard and dumped the spices on me then turned on the element and waited for the water to boil. 

He had fallen asleep and I had woken up and started screaming for my mother, while I was screaming I noticed my sneaky brother slink off and left me boiling. When our nanny finally got to me she yanked me out of the pot ripping the skin off the bottom of my bum. 

After all this my brother and I were never allowed at home alone again

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Pirongia Lodge clearing and planing

On the 18th October room 7 and Pirongia School year 7 and 8s went up to the Pirongia  Lodge to clear blackberry and other weeds and plant a few hundred plants around an out door classroom so that it is surrounded by native bush and is a good place to learn about the outdoors.

when both classes had  gathered up at the lodge we were all told to pick up some plants and take them down to the outdoor classroom, when all the plant were down at the classroom the lodge warden tought us how to plant a plant,"it's  quite simple really, you just dig a hole big enough to fit the plant in place the plant in and then cover the plant with dirt and compact it all down."

I planted a few plant but my main task was leveling ground so that is could be mown. 

Now that we have finished the work at the lodge some other schools might hear about it and then the lodge would get used more often. By the time all the plants have fully grown I could go back and say,"I planted some of these trees."

Monday 21 October 2013

Ag day

On the 16th of October Te Pahu school had an agricultural day, it was a great day for the students who had been training an animal for the past few months to show it off or to show off student innovation in creating an alternative challenge.

At day is about taking responsibly of training an animal of goal setting in order to get an alternative challenge completed in the time given and make it look really awesome. 

I asked a few student on what there thoughts of at day were and many of them agree that that ag day is a must have for for country schools as it teaches them the basic skills required to become something in the dairy industry.

I asked Aiden on his opinion of ag day and found out that training an animal for him is a difficult job because his lamb was very stubborn training but did very well on ag day.

This year ag day worked well like it should and I hope that ag day will be encouraged long after I leave.

Monday 14 October 2013

Lower Wiapa Speechs

on the 24 setpember me and a few others from our school comepted in Lower Wiapa Speechs. We all went of in year groups to diffient classrooms, the year 7 boys came with the year 8 boys since it was a small group. after all the year 7 boys had finished the first year 8 boy started his speech his intoduction almost the same as mine, he had copmetly stolen my thunder, I was a bit anoyed about this because his speech was no better then mine but he won. I supose that I can't win everything but I still gave it my best shot.

Sunday 22 September 2013


Towards the end of the term our school has had a focus on oral language-speechs. every year our school has a speech contest where you write a speech and then present it in front of the class, and the finals in front of the school. This year I won speechs with my topic on why failure is good for you. On tuesday the 24 of september I will be presenting my speech at lower waipa speechs, I hope to do well there

Thursday 19 September 2013

Market day

On on Friday 13 of September our school society held a market day, a day where all the ventures sold all of the product they had been making. The day was a great success and most ventures sold out and were able to pay back there loans. I wish we held a Mamet day every term, but I think people would get sick of it