Wednesday 23 October 2013

Pirongia Lodge clearing and planing

On the 18th October room 7 and Pirongia School year 7 and 8s went up to the Pirongia  Lodge to clear blackberry and other weeds and plant a few hundred plants around an out door classroom so that it is surrounded by native bush and is a good place to learn about the outdoors.

when both classes had  gathered up at the lodge we were all told to pick up some plants and take them down to the outdoor classroom, when all the plant were down at the classroom the lodge warden tought us how to plant a plant,"it's  quite simple really, you just dig a hole big enough to fit the plant in place the plant in and then cover the plant with dirt and compact it all down."

I planted a few plant but my main task was leveling ground so that is could be mown. 

Now that we have finished the work at the lodge some other schools might hear about it and then the lodge would get used more often. By the time all the plants have fully grown I could go back and say,"I planted some of these trees."

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